How Strength Training Helps to Prevent Diabetes

Very rarely do we consider muscle as an organ. But no mistake, it is an organ. Muscle is not just 'dumb meat' that we think it is about, it plays a lot of active roles in maintaining health. The more we have the better. Muscle cells have a high concentration of mitochondria ( the energy house of the cell). So the more muscles we have, the more potential we have to make energy

Interleukin 6 which is a kind of chemical messengers called cytokines help to reduce inflammation in the body. These interleukins are released in good amounts with every muscle contraction we make. Hence every muscle contraction we do at the gym is an anti-inflammatory signal to the body.

As you know, every single disease in the modern times is caused due to inflammation and strength training is the quick fix solution for it.

Strength training along with high-intensity interval training helps switch off the inflammation in the body.

When you have diabetes, strength training is the best treatment which makes muscles insulin sensitive. When you have more muscles, you give more space to put in the extra sugars. Thus less sugar gets deposited in the bloodstream and this is a good way to prevent diabetes. Try to work out the bigger muscle groups especially in the lower body than the upper body.
More muscle means more room to accommodate sugars and more room to eat junk ( pun intended! I do not recommend) and more chances to prevent diabetes!


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