7 Simple Yoga Postures to do Everyday for Better Health

In today's hectic life, taking out one hour from daily routine is difficult and daunting to many. In fact, it is not that difficult as you think.All you need is a bit of motivation and will. Motivation should come from within. If we cannot devote an hour of the day for taking care of ourselves, what is the point in living? We should live with our whole heart, enjoying life, and taking care of our body and mind. What else in the world brings you so much joy and well being for both the mind and body, than an hour of yoga? So lets take out sometime from our busy lives and pamper our self with the best form of rejuvenation, that is Yoga.
Here I have listed out for you,7 important Asanas that you have to do everyday for maintaining health. I can assure you, from my own experience, that these postures can work wonders for you in maintaining health, improving the flexibility of body, and improves concentration of the mind.

  • 1.Mandookasana
  • 2.Sashankasana
  • 3.Bhujangasana
  • 4.Shalabhasna
  • 5.Markatasana
  • 6.Uthanapadasana
  • 7.Pavanamuktasana




  1. Well said in simplest way.

    How much should be the duration for each of those? and at what time of the day should anyone do Yogasana ?

  2. hey..u must also add the uses of it...of each asanas..and foccus on breathing techniques for each asanas! i think so.
    like for pavana mukthasanas it helps in reducing abdominal fat!


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