Mudras of Pranayama

A Mudra is a symbolic spiritual gesture with the body, especially with the hands and fingers.
The following Mudras are usually used in Pranayama

1.Dhyana Mudra ( Chin Mudra ) (Tips of the index finger and thumb touching each other)
2.Vayu Mudra ( index finger folded along the side of the thumb)
3.Shoonya Mudra ( Tips of the middle finger and the thumb touching each other)
4.Prithvi Mudra ( Tips of the ring finger and the thumb touching each other )
5.Varuna Mudra ( Tips of small finger and the thumb touching each other )
6. Shakti Mudra ( Tips of small finger, ring finger and thumb touching each other)
7.Apana Mudra ( Tips of middle finger, ring finger and the thumb touching each other )

You can use any of these Mudras for practicing Pranayama.


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